Website testing jobs-Earn Money Testing Websites

What are website testing jobs?

Website testing is a crucial process that involves evaluating websites' performance, usability, and overall quality. It comprises testing the website for bugs, errors, broken links, and other issues affecting user experience. As a web tester or reviewer, your responsibility is to identify any problems with the website and ensure that they are resolved before the website goes live.

Not only is website testing an important part of ensuring websites are up to standard but it can also be a profitable side hustle. With the right skills and knowledge, you can earn money by offering your services to companies that need their websites tested or reviewed.

What qualifications do I need to be a tester?

A website tester doesn't need any qualifications other than the ability to use a computer and a smartphone. A website tester can be anyone dedicated and willing to learn since some companies do not require education qualifications. However, an advantage would be having qualifications in Computer science, software engineering, and IT (Information Technology), as these fields will provide a strong foundation in software testing principles and methods.

Additionally, you can become a website tester if you have good communication skills, pay attention to details, and perform repetitive tasks to test a website in as many different ways as possible and under as many operating environments as you can. For an individual to stand out from the crowd, programming skills are particularly valuable. By describing a problem in detail and how to fix it, you will stand out from other candidates.

You will need the following devices to begin your website testing journey:

  • A desktop computer or a laptop with a webcam - some tests require a webcam so it is advisable to use a computer that has a webcam in case you are given a test that needs the use of a webcam
  • Smartphone or tablet- some tests will require you to use a smartphone
  • Good internet connection
  • A microphone - not always required
  • New email address- as I highlighted in my other article about paid surveys, it is advisable to create a new email address in case you don’t miss a new test lost in a junk email. If you keep on missing some tests sent to you, you will ruin your chances of getting more testing jobs in the future.
  • You should also be able to speak and write in English

What do we do in web testing?

Testing involves creating test plans, conducting tests, designing test cases, identifying bugs, reporting them, analyzing the results, and collaborating with developers and stakeholders. Here are some of the responsibilities that website testers typically do:

  • Functional Testing: This type of testing ensures that a website's functions work as intended. It includes checking links, forms, buttons, and navigation to ensure they all function as intended.
  • Usability Testing: A usability test measures the ease of use of a website, including navigation, content clarity, and design intuitiveness.
  • Compatibility Testing: Through compatibility testing, websites are validated to work across different browsers, devices, and operating systems and ensure a consistent user experience.
  • Performance Testing: In performance testing, a website is evaluated for its speed, scalability, and responsiveness to varying loads without crashing or slowing down.

How much can you make as a website tester?

The amount of money you can make as a website tester depends on the website and the specific tests completed. Those who want to earn money online can make good money by testing websites as a side hustle. There is a wide range of pay for Website Testers, depending on several factors, including location, experience, and complexity of the project. Earnings for a Website Tester begin at $15 per test or more.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of user testing?

Every job has its pros and cons and I think it is best for everyone who wants to start a career in website testing to be familiar with these repercussions.


  • Flexibility: Many website testing positions permit testers to work remotely or on a flexible schedule, as well as with respect to work hours and location.
  • Learning opportunities: The field of website testing is constantly evolving, offering opportunities for testers to learn new testing techniques, tools, and technologies.
  • In-Demand Skills: Website testing is a crucial aspect of software development, making professionals in this field highly sought after.
  • Variety of Projects: Website testers often work on diverse projects, ranging from e-commerce websites to social media platforms, providing exposure to different industries and technologies.
  • Problem-Solving: Website testers regularly encounter challenges and issues, providing opportunities to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  • Contribution to Quality: By identifying and reporting issues, website testers play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and usability of websites and web applications, contributing to customer satisfaction.


  • Repetitive tasks: Performing the same tests across multiple browsers and devices while testing websites can become boring over time.
  • Tight Deadlines: Web testers may be required to work quickly and efficiently to meet tight deadlines during website testing.
  • Technical Challenges: Testers may face technical challenges when testing complex websites and web applications that require an understanding of various technologies and tools.
  • High Expectations: Clients or stakeholders might have high expectations to identify all bugs and issues on a website.
  • Documentation: Testing websites often require thorough documentation, which can be time-consuming.
  • Dependency on Tools: When relying solely on testing tools, you may miss out on certain problems that automated tests may not be able to detect.

Top website testing sites

Here are some top website testing sites you can take advantage of: check them out and pick the one that suits you best. If you want to maximize your earnings, you can sign up for as many as you like. To be accepted, sign up for the ones you like and fill out an online application. You may have to pass an online test before you are accepted as a tester on some of these websites.

The site accepts testers from around the world and from the United States. A test can pay up to $10, and a live interview can pay $30-120. Payments are made through PayPal.

One of the user testing sites, Trymata (formerly TryMyUI), focuses on testing the user interface of websites. However, you can also earn money by testing apps or taking part in live interviews. You will be paid $10 per test through PayPal.

Userlytics offers in-depth interviews in addition to usability tests. If you are looking for a more unique way to get paid for user testing. Userlytics is an option. You can earn between $5 and $20 per completed test, which is a reasonable rate. You will also be paid via PayPal.

Userfeel conducts usability tests on partner websites to provide feedback on areas for improvement. A screen recording program is required. After completing a test, you will receive a payment of $10 either through PayPal or Amazon gift cards of equivalent value.

If you want to earn money on Userfeel, you need to test an app or website and record a video while speaking out loud about your thoughts. Once your submission is approved, you will receive compensation. The payment is made through PayPal and you can earn $10 for every 15 to 20 minutes of approved video testing. Userfeel is available worldwide, making it easy for anyone to sign up as a tester.

There are four types of studies that you can participate in, namely, 1-on-1 interview, focus group, unmoderated task, and multi-day study. These studies can be conducted in person, over the phone, or online. The reward you receive will depend on the research study you participate in.

Some studies pay you in cash through PayPal or direct bank transfer, while others reward you with an Amazon electronic gift card or a digital Reward Link gift card. User Interviews is available worldwide, but most of its clients are US-based companies. Therefore, most of the opportunities that you'll find on the site will be for residents of the United States.

Please note that to take tests on this website, you must use Google Chrome as your browser. No other browsers are supported, and you will need to install a specific Chrome extension to complete the tests.

It is important to have a PayPal account before signing up for this website, as payments are made via PayPal. Validately pays between $5 and $25 for each test completed, and you can join the site regardless of your location.

Respondent is a platform for conducting research studies that include surveys, focus group studies, and website testing gigs. To get started, you can create an account using your email address, Facebook, or LinkedIn account. After that, fill in your contact information, demographics, and employment status. Once your profile is complete, you can start browsing projects and apply for ones that sound appealing. The respondent will make the payment through PayPal and will be charged a fulfillment fee of less than 5%.

TestingTime offers an opportunity to earn money by participating in video call studies, in-person studies, and simple surveys. The payment for each test or study is based on its length and subject matter, and you will receive a payment for your time. Once you complete the test or study, you will be paid via PayPal or direct deposit within ten days. TestingTime is open to residents of any country who have a reliable internet connection and computer.

Would you like to earn money by sharing your thoughts while performing a series of tasks at Userbrain? Each project typically takes around 5 to 20 minutes to complete, and you'll receive $5 per test via PayPal, which is distributed weekly. To take part in this opportunity, you'll need to download either the Userbrain Recorder for Google Chrome or the Userbrain Recorder for iOS to conduct the tests.

You can register on the website to work as a "testbird" and earn approximately 15 to 20 pounds per test. There are three types of tests that you can participate in: bug tests, usability tests, and bug ability tests. Bug tests can yield between 1 and 5 Euros each, while usability tests can earn up to 50 Euros. Payments can be made through PayPal or bank transfer (IBAN/SWIFT), starting at £6.

12. Tester Work

Tester work logo

Tester Work is a unique platform that allows testers to earn money by testing websites and apps. The process involves three simple steps: sign up, test, and get paid. The platform sends an invitation to join the latest test cycles, and testers can work according to their schedule. It also organizes events such as Testathon®, which provides valuable feedback to help testers improve their skills.

Tester Work has a vast community of testers from around the world and offers opportunities to test apps from popular companies. Website testers get paid within two weeks after completing the test cycle. The payment can be based on either a fixed amount for test case execution or per bug found.

Final thoughts

As a website tester, you have the opportunity to earn money while also contributing to the improvement of online experiences. Your main duty is to carefully assess a website's performance, compatibility, usability, and functionality. The potential earnings as a website tester are attractive, with opportunities to earn a competitive income due to the growing demand for quality assurance in the digital world.

There are several top website testing sites where you can find testing gigs and start your journey in this field. Whether you're looking to boost your income or begin a fulfilling career in technology, website testing presents a possible option with plenty of earning potential and growth opportunities. In conclusion, website testing jobs can be profitable and fulfilling, offering a great way to earn money while helping to enhance user experiences online.



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